Studying philosophy and theater enables students to engage with the world's major philosophies and thinkers while gaining awareness of the "players" or practitioners in each field. Students will learn practical philosophical skills, such as how to think and argue well, as well as how to interpret and analyze theatrical forms and explore the artistic process in creating theatre. Philosophers-with their emphasis on reason-have reviled the theater and those who practice it and theater-which concerns the passions-has mocked philosophers who are viewed as fools and charlatans. Yet the words 'theater' and 'theory' derive from the same Greek theoria, a kind of "seeing" or "contemplation." Both areas of study will stimulate dialogue and discourse. Like siblings or neighboring states, theater and philosophy may be more closely related than you might think.
Fall Courses
PHI 101: Introduction to Philosophy
THA 106: Introduction to Theater Arts
Spring Course
CWP 102: College Writing II
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