Leaders, like artists, must be able to imagine, to invent, to create, and to communicate vision. This community connects the visual arts, design, and theater with writing and creative and critical thinking skills. Students learn to problem solve, to use their imaginations, to explore new environments, to examine social, economic, and ethical issues, and to make applications to real world experiences.
AED 100 - Essentials of Visual Arts
Dr. Phyllis Thompson, Art Education
CRS 205 - Introduction to Creative Studies
Prof. Michaelene Dawson, International Center for Studies in Creativity
CWP 101 - College Writing I
Prof. Lori Woods, College Writing Program
PHI 102 - Introduction to Ethics
Dr. John Draeger, Philosophy & Humanities
MAT 103 - Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics
Dr. Jodelle Magner, Mathematics
UNC 101 - Integrated Hour
Team taught by all instructors
Assisted by: Maria Brickhouse, Student Development Liaison
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