The evolution of learning communities in higher education during the last decade is one of the most exciting, academically challenging, student-friendly developments in years. A learning community at Buffalo State College has linked courses, taken in the same semester, which explore a complex theme, question, or issue. Faculty work together to demonstrate how their particular course reflects the theme and connects to the learning outcomes of the other courses in the Learning Community.
Learning Communities have planned co-curricular learning experiences that faculty can take full advantage of while engaging their students. Each Community will be provided a Student Development liaison to assist with designing and facilitating these programs. Additionally, we know that first-year students present many challenges as they transition to college. The Student Development liaison is well equipped to assist faculty as the first-year issues become apparent. Together, our Learning Communities become communities where real learning resides.
Together, our Bengal Community of Scholars Program become communities where real learning resides.
Learning Communities promote deeper interactions among students and faculty. LC instructors increase their repertoire of student-centered pedagogical practices by participating in LC faculty development opportunities and by sharing ideas with each other. LC faculty are encouraged and supported in their pursuit of scholarly teaching for deep student learning.
Faculty who teach in learning communities collaborate with faculty:
Two or more general education or lower-level major courses are linked together by a common theme. The same students are co-enrolled in both courses within a learning community and work closely with each other and their professors. LC faculty will collaborate to help students make intellectual connections across and between their courses.
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